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here children play games such as counting, comparing, adjusting, sorting, picture cards, puzzles. In each game the children will learn the names of animal names, names of fruit names, names of numbers and others.
Project: Create KOPO.COM account and online game application.
Introduction to cloud content programming system.
Create a game journey with one chapter and one game level using DC cloud content programming system.
Image Editing Tool:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Click below and follow the link to open the step-by-step instruction for Lesson 1.
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of journey: URL: |
Can play the game (chapter) |
Journey has an icon |
Journey has a name, description, synopsis |
Journey type, age level, category set |
Chapter has an icon |
Chapter has a name, description, synopsis |
Chapter game type, age level, category set |
Game level question, order image, order text set |
Project: Create ordering game levels using creative common license assets for web authoring. Search creative common license application assets to create a game level.
Learning Materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Go to and sign-in if not signed in already.
Click below and open the link for instruction on sign-in:
using email or Guardian Mode
Prepare for content programming:
Get the following information from the selected game chapter:
The images will be shown at the bottom of the game for user to drag and drop in the correct order. The audio will be played when the user drop in the correct location.
Game Level |
Order:1 Order Image 1 Sound text. |
Order:2 Order Image 2 Sound text. |
Order:3 Order Image 3 Sound text. |
Order:4 Order Image 4 Sound text. |
Order:5 Order Image 5 Sound text. |
Order numbers by value so they are in ascending order. |
1 apple |
2 apples |
3 apples |
4 apples |
5 apples |
Order numbers by value so they are in ascending order. |
6 apples |
7 apples |
8 apples |
9 apples |
10 apples |
Order numbers by value so they are in ascending order. |
11 manggo |
12 manggo |
13 manggo |
14 manggo |
15 manggo |
Create a new chapter for this content and put the URL here: ____
Program application content using the activity template. Click below and following the link for step-by-step demonstration:
Programming Content Step-by-Step
Congratulations!! You have created a complete education content and delivered it using a mobile application.
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of chapters: |
Can play the game |
Question text is correctly set |
Order texts are correctly set |
Order images are correctly set |
All 3 game levels are created |
Project: Create sound files for the game levels.
Learning Materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
Activity opening sound is set |
Sound files are correctly set |
Project: Add two more levels to the ordering game chapter to complete a game chapter
Tasks to be completed by students:
Same activities as Lesson 2 and 3
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
✔ |
Question texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer images are correctly set |
Buat banner imagenya |
Activity opening sound is set |
Belum ada Opening sound |
Hint sound files are correctly set |
✔ |
Project: Create compare game chapter. Create three game levels.
Learning materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
✔ |
3 game levels |
✔ |
Question texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer texts are correctly set |
Ubah urutan angka (1,2,3,4,5) menjadi (<,>,=) |
Answer images are correctly set |
Hilangkan outline/stroke yang berwarna hitam, buat banner imagenya, di Lvl 2 ubah gambar bird jadi lebih bagus |
Activity opening sound is set |
Tambahkan activity opening |
Hint sound files are correctly set |
Lvl1: Sound kurang benar, untuk 3 pensil dan 1 buku diubah menjadi (Yes, 3 pencil are more than 1 book), untuk 5 meja dan 5 kursi (yes, 5 tables are equal to 5 chairs). Lvl2: Sound kurang benar, untuk 5 hiu dan 7 lumba-lumba di ubah jadi (Yes, 5 shark are less than 7 dolphins). Lvl3: kualitas gambar Piano, segitiga, persegi, man & woman kurang bagus |
Project: Create matching game chapter. Create 3 game levels.
Learning materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
✔ |
3 game levels |
✔ |
Question texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer images are correctly set |
Buat banner image, Lvl 1: gambar buah belimbing kurang berbentuk segitiga(kalau bisa cari buah belimbing yang terlihat bentuk segitiganya), hint image lingkaran salah |
Activity opening sound is set |
Buat Opening sound |
Hint sound files are correctly set |
✔ |
Project: Create sorting game chapter. Create 3 game levels.
Learning materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
✔ |
3 game levels |
✔ |
Question texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer images are correctly set |
Gambar yang sudah dipakai gak boleh dipakai di level lain, Bin image kurang bagus, gambar di perkecil ukuran disesuaikan dengan pengetahuan sendiri |
Activity opening sound is set |
Buat opening sound |
Hint sound files are correctly set |
✔ |
Project: Create picture card game chapter. Create 3 game levels.
Learning materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
✔ |
3 game levels |
✔ |
Question texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer images are correctly set |
Perbaiki gambar yang masih ada background dan gepeng Ukuran gambar 200x200 pixel |
Activity opening sound is set |
✔ |
Hint sound files are correctly set |
Untuk kendaraan, hewan,diberi sound effect nya juga |
Project: Create picture card game chapter. Create 3 game levels.
Learning materials:
Tasks to be completed by students:
Use the following form to provide information on the tasks completed for assessment.
Assessment Item |
Excellent |
Pass |
Need to improve |
URL of Journey: |
Can play the game |
✔ |
3 game levels |
✔ |
Question texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer texts are correctly set |
✔ |
Answer images are correctly set |
✔ |
Activity opening sound is set |
✔ |
Hint sound files are correctly set |
✔ |
Project: Create a journey or chapter that lists all game journeys and chapters that you have created. Share it with parents, friends, and post them on Facebook, instagram, and one more social network website.
Tasks to be completed by students:
Name | Comments | Date |