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Gracefully Grace Preschool
Gracefully Grace Preschool is a new preschool that comes in 2018 in Indonesia, using a Singapore curriculum based. Gracefully Grace Preschool offers full preschool courses including toddler, nursery, and kindergarten.
Children in this course will be given tailored program to acquire the necessary skills needed for the future learning of children. Children will be equipped with the necessary competencies to accelerate at future learning in the 21st century. Through our modern curriculum, they will acquire knowledge and skills in six areas to achieve education and key stage outcomes of pre-school education. Children will learn art, science, math, English, social and emotional developments to become curious and competent learner and value culture, and respect and care.
Modern smart learning technologies of Docentron EEL (Exceptionally Entertaining Learning) allow children actively engage in learning through activities and experiences anywhere and anytime. Parents can check progresses of learning and activities using mobile applications and participate in their learning.
Activity Based Learning
Carefully designed lesson plans based on Singapore Kindergarten Curriculum. It provides integrated learning to facilitate learning through engagement, purposeful play quality interactions fostering holistic development of children. Weekly lessons are planned and facilitated by certified and trained teachers to observe, assess, reflect and collaborate with parents.
The curriculum covers 6 learning areas
Smart Education for the 21st Century Future Learning
Tailored activity-based learning using mobile learning and game based learning. Activity App Factory: Thousands of learning assets and contents are used to create tailored activities to motivate, engage, and facilitate learning.
Contact us for enrollment and course information.
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